LoveCode – Greenlight & Darkness

LoveCode – Greenlight & Darkness

If He laid and submitted his life for you, what then is your excuse?
You cannot receive the unmerited love of Christ and not give the unmerited!

Love Walk

Love Walk

The love of God that you have received has conferred on you a responsibility; you can’t receive the undeserved love of Christ and not love undeservedly.

LoveCode – Breakfast

LoveCode – Breakfast

God cares about you, your pains and your heartbreaks. It’s God’s desire to bind us up from our pain.

The Courtship Code II

The Courtship Code II

It is what you do in the relationship that matters, the semantics about the term; dating and courtship notwithstanding.

The Courtship Code

The Courtship Code

It is what you do in the relationship that matters, the semantics about the term; dating and courtship notwithstanding.

Attraction Code

Attraction Code

What we need is for us to first find ourselves in Christ and everything He has called us to be, then we gain our confidence and be better - for Christ's sake. So that when we are whole and complete in Him, interestingly, people will begin to see more beauty in us because of our confidence in Christ

The Believer’s Lovewalk II

The Believer’s Lovewalk II

The ultimate form of love as a believer is expressed in our thoughts and actions towards others.
We are instructed to love just like God does.

Dating Code

Dating Code

Every relationship begins with one person and that’s who you really are!!

The Believer’s Lovewalk

The Believer’s Lovewalk

The believer is love! Our relationship with others should mirror God’s love to the world and communicate the love of God in Christ Jesus.