December 9, 2022

RC 22 – Contagious – Tongues

RC 22 – Contagious – Tongues

Why bother to pray?

1. For God’s sake
You might not know what you are saying, but it does not change the fact that he hears. God is listening, you are not doing it for activity’s sake. (1 Cor 14:2, Heb 12:2, Psalm 42:1)

2. For People’s sake.
You must see how your prayer might be what the person beside you needs.
Maybe someone in your family needs it, for the body of Christ.

3. For your own sake
There is no time of prayer that leaves you the same way.
When you spend time praying, you avert the plan of the devil and strengthen yourself for what is ahead.
Your physical strength might deplete, but your spiritual strength is built. (Isa 40:29-31)

Despite all it is for, it is labour.
It will take something from you. So;

📍You must persevere. Luke 18:1
📍You will practice fervour.
📍You will leverage koinonia. Take advantage of the community beside you. Heb 10:24.
📍You will be goal-oriented. Like Hannah, like Jesus.
📍You will engage your mind and your heart. Keep your mind focused on the goal

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