October 7, 2022

Deeper Abuja – Hope As An Anchor

Deeper Abuja – Hope As An Anchor

Have you ever watched or read fiction about the rapture? Did it scare you?

Well, it shouldn’t, because fear is not an anchor in Christianity, hope, faith, and love are. 1 Cor 13:13


Ordinary hope means wanting something to happen and having a good reason that it might. This hope is optimistic, fragile, uncertain, and sensitive.

While Biblical hope is an anchor. It is confident and steadfast. It is a consolation and an assurance! Heb 6:19, Rom 5:5; Phil 1:20

Our symbol of Hope is Christ’s resurrection. This hope is informed by and founded on the living Christ. It is alive! We have an anchor.

Because he lives, we know that eternal life is tangible. If he rose, we will rise again.
1 Pet 1:3, Eph 1:13; Col 1:27

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