Joy Fight

Joy Fight

We have learned extensively on, the what, the when, the why and, the how of praying in the Holy Ghost through our teaching series this month, "Kindle".

Pastor Emmanuel Iren ends this teaching series with a bang, expressing JOY from our victory.

Order Births Peace

Order Births Peace

Until you learn to do things when they are meant to be done, your peace would always be under attack. Disorderliness births lack of peace.

Dealing With Insecurities

Dealing With Insecurities

How you handle situations, shows how much understanding you have of the Word of God. And in dealing with insecurities, this is not a psychological topic or one for those that are babes in the kingdom! And in dealing with it, the word of God is enough!

Joy is a Miracle

Joy is a Miracle

“Joy is a miracle” from Joy Unspeakable by Pst. Emmanuel Iren. Released: 2019.

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