Where Is God In My Pain?

Where Is God In My Pain?

God is present to comfort and encourage: God isn't untouched nor far-removed from you. He is there in the pain with you (Hebrews 4:15).

Faith For Healing

Faith For Healing

There is an urgency to demonstrate power in our day. Examples of people that demonstrated power are; Moses Jeremiah… We should know that it doesn’t matter your past or many excuses, God can still use you. Keep at the power of God. The Bible describes the word of God as an open face. Like we...

The Supply Of The Spirit For Healing

The Supply Of The Spirit For Healing

Every believer is capable of performing signs and miracles. We cannot afford to be unaware or ignorant about it. (1 Cor 12:1 )Operating in the spirit is compulsory not just for you but for the sake of the people around you.

Your Healing Today

Your Healing Today

God is more than willing to heal the sick. It is not His will for anyone to be sick and neither is it His way of teaching us a lesson.

Healing School V

Healing School V

Irrespective of situations, the believer is admonished to continue in doctrine, for it is able to strengthen him and preserve him in tough times.

Healing School IV

Healing School IV

Do you think healing is for a select few excluding you? News Flash! God is willing and ever ready to heal you and he doesn't just heal, he empowers us to heal others.

Healing School III

Healing School III

As limitless as the power of the spirit is, you can limit the manifestation in your life. Expectation is so important in our kingdom.

Healing School II

Healing School II

As good as encounters are, your conviction must still be on the word. When you are waiting, you will face pressures but you must hold on to the word.

Healing School

Healing School

Facts are not determined by experience. If you think God does not heal, it won't stop him from healing but it will affect the flow of healing in your life.