November 14, 2021

Taking Action – Brave

Taking Action – Brave

When God says he will do something, just believe it. To do what God has said, you have to be brave. Don’t let anyone talk you down. Be an example to everyone. Don’t let the assignment scare you. Act on the word. Bravery means to have mental strength; to have and to show courage. Just agree with God and take bold steps. God brags about people that do His will.

Hindrances to Bravery

1. Comfort Zone
Good is the enemy of great. Entrepreneurs are usually braver at the start. Keep the passion that you first had. Avoid the comfort zone. Sometimes, you have to end what you are currently doing in order to be able to do what God would have them do.

2. The opinion of men
Any young person trying to do great would always have to put up with the opinion of older people, especially in Africa. To be brave, you have to stop sacrificing for people who don’t care about you. Focus on your assignment and let God be your rewarder.

3. Fear of failure
Consecration is the cure for fear of failure. As Christians, our no one motivation is not success. We follow the Lordship of Christ. If Jesus instructs you to drop your net, do that. Real success is following God. It is wrong for you to care too much about what people say. May you not be big to people and be small in the eyes of God.

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